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AI Journey

AI Journey (Artificial Intelligence Journey) is one of the world’s largest international AI conferences. The event brings together leading experts, scientists and entrepreneurs from all over the world to discuss the most trending AI topics. In 2023 more than 150 mln people from 190 countries joined the conference translation. This year the main event will take place in Moscow in autumn for the ninth time already 

AI Journey speakers will cover most topical issues defining next steps in artificial intelligence development: AGI, LLM, CV, quantum technologies, GenAI, AI for ESG and many other things. Technology is considered from the perspective of practical use for science, business and society. AI Journey offers opportunities to assert skills and discoveries in AI for researchers from across the globe: the international challenge for children (AI Challenge) and adults (AIJ Contest), selection of scientific articles for the journal published by Russian Academy of Sciences and also the series of AIJ events with TOP speakers in Russia and abroad. Starting from 2016 the interest towards AI Journey has been constantly growing thus confirming the relevance and importance of the covered topics for the global AI-community.

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