ICT Week is an annual event that highlights advancements in information and communication technologies. It features conferences, exhibitions, and workshops, bringing together professionals to discuss trends, innovations, and opportunities in the tech sector.

ICT Week Uzbekistan 2024 takes place from 17th to 20th September in CAEx center Tashkent 

Exhibition working hours is from 10:00 to 17:00

Participating as a visitor for ICT Week 2024 is completely free

Pre-registration online as a visitor is required in order to participate in exhibition. You have to have your Digital Access Code to enter exhibition hall. 

There will be available free Wi Fi during Exhibition for all visitors

CAEx center has parking for 700 cars and it is free to use for attendees. 

During the event, we will organize bus service to the CaEX center. Stay tuned to find out where these buses depart from.

Yes, you can bring non-alcoholic food & beverages

There will be on-site food and beverage

You can take photos or videos for non commercial use only. In order to use these materials for commercial use you ought to take permission from Organiser.

By Organizer email: Info@ite-association.uz


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